5 Ways to Reach Your Community

5 Ways to Reach Your Community



You know needs exist throughout your community, but how can you help? It doesn’t have to be difficult. Simply share!


  1. Share a meal. People are hungry, and it’s not just physical hunger. You’re surrounded by people who need to know people around them notice and care for their needs. They experience God’s love, mercy, and provision through people. You might fix a homemade meal and take it to a neighbor who has a busy week, have a meal delivered by a local restaurant, or give a gift certificate for a meal so the neighbor can choose the best day to be treated.
  2. Share a drink. Carry several bottles of drinking water in your vehicle, and watch for people who might be thirsty, particularly on hot days. You can also use the same idea with snacks such as granola bars and crackers with packaged peanut butter or cheese.
  3. Share an umbrella. Purchase umbrellas when you find them on sale, and keep several with you to share with people who find themselves unprepared for a rainy day.
  4. Share a jacket. Chilly days and evenings sometimes catch people off guard. Sometimes people can’t afford to keep themselves warm. When you keep a few hooded sweatshirts of various sizes, you’ll likely find someone who needs to keep the chill away at the ball field, shopping center, or church or community event.
  5. Share an electronic. Phones, laptops, and other gadgets are always in need, and many of us are upgrading to new models while our older models still have use for someone else. Look for single-parent families who need help supplying basic needs and extras or individuals who have pressing medical and other expenses that cut into the possibilities of purchasing nonessentials.

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