Gratuities and Grace

Gratuities and Grace

I make my own bed when I’m at the hotel. If I don’t need towels or anything, I put the Do Not Disturb sign on the door. There’s no need for someone to spend time on my room when it’s unnecessary. I know “that’s what they get paid for,” but I want to consider others’ schedules and demands. After all, I’m sure someone else’s room needs a little extra attention. (I’ve travelled with young children and groups of girls!)

My husband was having breakfast with a friend early one morning. It was the friend’s turn to pay, so Tim was supposed to leave the tip. The server was particularly grumpy. When the bill came, Tim and his friend began talking about the tip. His friend’s challenged was something like this: “What difference does it make how grumpy she was? We don’t know what’s going on in her life. Should we judge, or should we extend grace? I’m paying for breakfast anyway, so why don’t you leave what you would have paid for breakfast if I wasn’t buying.”

How do we treat the people who serve us? Set aside whether or not they’re getting paid to serve or not. What do you expect from someone who serves you?

How do you respond when someone serves you well?

How do you respond when someone “falls short” of your expectations?

You may believe you are doing right, but the Lord will judge your reasons. Proverbs 16:2

We often rationalize our responses. I know I do. It’s counter-intuitive to be encouraging to someone who is judging me, positive when someone’s negative, gracious when someone is grumpy.

We need to give people what they deserve…but not what we think they deserve.

God extends grace to you…whether you deserve it or not. Yes, he also corrects you. He’s just. With grace. Extend God’s grace – through you – today. Just the fact that you yield to him and let him work through you is evidence of his grace for you.

Because (Jesus) was full of grace and truth, from him we all received one gift after another. John 1:16

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