The Burden of Compassion

The Burden of Compassion

Compassion comes with a burden.

We don’t always feel the burden. Sometimes our enthusiasm and joy with serving and showing compassion overrides the feelings of burden.

But sometimes we have compassion and feel helpless, because we’re not sure what to do. Perhaps we’re not supposed to do anything in terms of fixing the problem. Showing compassion is sometimes simply sitting alongside and being available.

It still feels helpless at times.

However, we are never helpless in our compassion, because compassion is rooted in God and infused with His help. He is the source of compassion, and He is powerful and wise enough to know how it can and should be fulfilled. We just have to accept the help God gives instead of trying to own and control all the help. We have to yield even when the approach isn’t what we would choose. We need to trust Him.

The burden of compassion is ultimately God’s. He loves people way more than we can even imagine loving people. Plus, He has the power to do something about it. He’s inviting you to help by seeking and trusting Him.

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