Starting Again

Starting Again

maxresdefaultFor those who closely follow my blog, you likely noticed recent reposts. That’s unusual for me. I like to write fresh. But the season of my life was too raw.

One of the main reasons I write is to encourage others. That doesn’t mean everything is nice and neat, tied up in an everything-is-fine bow. It’s important for me to write from an authentic place. But also a healthy place. I do not want to do more harm than good. So, several months ago, I made the decision to repost some past writings.

Today, I’m venturing back into current reflections. I’ve been taking notes throughout the past months,  so I have plenty of topics to write about; I might steer clear of the super personal stuff for a while unless I’m confident I can share with appropriate authenticity. But…I am back!

And while there’s a small part of me that is a bit nervous about it, I am mainly excited.

Excited to share my life with you, to live out loud, to engage in conversation again.

Hello, my friends!

7 thoughts on “Starting Again

  1. Welcome back. Today is always a new day wherever you are! Good luck in whatever God has in store for you! Bless you my dear sister.

  2. Praying for you! I know what it’s like to not know where to begin when processing things. I’m looking forward to “hearing” more from you now.

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