Be Still and Know

Be Still and Know

be-stillBeing still isn’t complacency. We can approach stillness in a couple ways:

Sleep or Steep

We can choose to disengage and passively expect God to do it all – to give us strength, direction, comfort, provision. And of course, he is abundantly giving. He wants us to rest in his presence but not sleep through it. When we are awake, he wants us to be attentive to him.

Instead of sleep, we can steep.

We can soak in his presence. When we focus on what he can do for us, our expectations can get in the way of our relationship with God. Like our earthly relationships, when we focus more on what the other person should/hasn’t/won’t do, our expectations will rarely be met, and the relationship will always suffer because it won’t feel like enough.

The same happens with our relationship with God. We get complacent in our engagement yet demanding in our expectations. And our relationship with God suffers.

But when we steep in his presence, we deepen our relationship.

We know God better and trust him more. Of course, it’s a process with rise and fall, but steeping helps us take on the character of God. It settles into our souls and changes us. It enriches and satisfies us.

Being still is more of a soul posture than a physical experience. No matter where you are or what you’re doing today, “Be still, and know that I am God.” (Psalm 46:10)

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