Potent Encouragement

Potent Encouragement

photo-1496903029469-38a1dabe9079A high school classmate messaged me.

We occasionally interact on social media, but our contact is limited. But she reached out with the words of encouragement I need to hear. It hadn’t been a bad day, but I felt a bit like Eeyore with a rain cloud following me around. She shared an excerpt from something she had read. She told me how my daily posts impacted her. And she thanked me for trying to honor God and keep the focus on him through a messy season of life. She took time out of her day to reach out. It might have only taken her a few minutes, but that brief time strengthened me the rest of the day.

Sometimes we need people to remind us to stay focused, as well as tell us when we’re focused on the wrong things. We need to listen, discern, apply, appreciate, and be grateful.

Encouragement is potent.

Be sure to encourage others today – right now.

6 thoughts on “Potent Encouragement

  1. I would like to add that in all
    of the emails that come through my inbox, I always look for your posts. My heart has ached for you in your journey, and you are in my prayers as well. I notice that there are many people who have subscribed to your blog, but not many who actually take the time to comment, or at least not publicly. I hope it helps to know that you are cared about even though we haven’t met in person. Blessings to you Susan.

  2. Susan, Good morning, This morning I have been looking through the last couple of months of your email devotionals. It has been a busy season in life and I had missed reading many of them. I saved so many to re-read as encouragement for the future. I am so blessed by them! Thank you for writing from a pure and honest heart, Susan. Your integrity is unmistakable.

    God is certainly using you and all that you have been through. Be encouraged!

    Blessings, Penny Burkett

    Sent from my iPhone


  3. Susan: I read your devotional daily! A lot of the times it is exactly what I needed to hear that day. You encourage so many others and I pray for you after I read your email devotion. You touch so many lives with your daily posts. But you need to be encouraged also. You are exactly where God put you and I thank you for your help getting through each day! You are a blessing!

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