Mixed Emotions

Mixed Emotions

3bee2331-4753-4713-9f3d-fe7b6b254ffaI’ve seen many Jelly Belly options, but this one was new to me: Mixed Emotions. Each one has a different emoticon expression, and you’re encouraged to “feel the flavor”: happy, grumpy, playful, sad, or love. The whole concept of mixed emotions sends a mixed message to me. So, we eat our emotions? We feel what we eat? We mix and match to get our desired flavored feeling?

Sure, I’m overthinking it a bit, but after digging through Scripture as I wrote Pure Emotion, peeling apart what God intends for different emotions that are part of his character from what we’ve misconstrued them to be, I am careful in how I approach, assign, and abuse emotions. I don’t want them to be ill-defined, misapplied, or overemphasized. God gave us emotions to enhance life not to deceive us into believing skewed perceptions of it. When emotions drive us, we set wisdom aside. Emotions can help us, but they can also deceive and cripple us.

Do we have mixed emotions at times? Sure. And I get that the jelly beans are just candy. It’s a cute marketing tactic, especially on the heels of emoticon popularity. But cute and helpful and truthful and worthwhile do not always coincide.

Notice your emotions. Identify your emotions. Truth check your emotions. Keep your emotions in perspective. You don’t have to soak in the flavor for too long.

2 thoughts on “Mixed Emotions

  1. Spot on! I quite frankly don’t agree with their labels…I dislike sour apple, so that would
    be a “grumpy “ flavor for me. Lemon is like sunshine, so yes it makes me happy, but I might want to eat a lemon flavored one when I am grumpy! Yeah you and I are probably both “overthinking”, but you make a very valid point: advertising is misleading. So very misleading.
    Thank you for sharing your thoughts and your heart in the blog world!

    1. I made the mistake of not looking closely at the flavors before popping a few in my mouth. That cinnamon is quite hot! I’m not sure if they think it will make people angry if they aren’t already or what! Ha.

      It’s funny how different our tastes can be. I enjoy sour apple sometimes. I especially like combining the tastes and creating my own.

      Thanks again for reaching out. You are such an encouragement to me!

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