We’ll See

We’ll See

2950498One of my favorite books as a child was That’s Good. That’s Bad.

It’s about perspective and how short-sighted and selfish our perspective can be.

I was recently reminded of the book because of a short story a friend told. It had a similar pattern. Something good would happen, then something bad. But after each thing – good or bad – someone in the story would say, “We’ll see.”

We see something and declare it good. We celebrate and commend. But “we’ll see.” There are going to be costs, burdens, and sacrifices.

We see something and declare it bad. We bemoan and grieve. We get angry. But “we’ll see.” There are going to be blessings, relationships, and encouragement.

Most importantly, God says, “We’ll see.”

He sees the purpose. He sees the remaking. He sees the healing and growth.

He sees the win.

And that’s good.

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