Play Work

Play Work

photo-1509911197971-c9aee632d72bI like to work at my mom’s house. I’ve written about some of my adventures while working with her. I call working at her house “play” more than work. It’s relaxing to me. She makes a list, and I get some things done and feel helpful. We usually enjoy a meal together, and I go home with a sigh of contentment, appreciative for my relationship with my mom.

I enjoy doing life with her.

With my oldest daughter’s wedding and some other commitments, I didn’t feel as if I’d had much time to work with her, so I made sure to set aside a recent Saturday to catch up with her list. I was ready, or at least, I thought I was.

On her list was “clean the basement.”

Have I ever mentioned I grew up in a farm house? The basements of old farmhouses are not exactly the most pleasant places in the world. But I said I would do whatever she needed, so I tackled it.

Sometimes the dirty jobs are the most rewarding, because you can see the difference you’re making.

There are some dirty jobs on your list, or perhaps on the list of people you love and want to help. Don’t avoid the dirty if you are determined to be helpful. We can’t pick and choose when we want to help others. Sure, you might end up tired and dirty through the process, but you’ll see some progress at some point, too. If nothing else, be grateful for the connection you have with others, doing life with them.

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