Living Your Purpose

Living Your Purpose

photo-1506680368596-e788fc0055f4I recently found myself in a conversation about purpose. We discussed how different generations have been encouraged to work for and find purpose in different tasks and routines. Sometimes that means defining the purpose within the tasks. For others, it means letting the tasks feed into the purpose.

We can get so focused on our tasks that we forget what the purpose is, but we can also become so focused on purpose that we sift through tasks and refuse to see how purpose can infuse many unexpected areas of our lives.

We can find our purpose where we are while we’re simultaneously growing toward purpose. We can find contentment yet also be pursuant in growing beyond where we are.

We can get picky about what we believe God has determined for us. We can ignore what God is leading us into. We become the determiners of our purpose, goals, and tasks, and we miss his truth-checks.

God is invested in us, and our purpose is only pure when we are seeking and following him. Our circumstances, including our tasks and routines, can greatly vary, yet God can infuse purpose into anything. We sometimes think our purpose demands a specific path, when God wants to reveal how his purpose is much more flexible and invasive. His purpose goes where he wants it to go. He can use a lot that we might think is out of bounds.

God wants our humble, willing obedience.

Instead of focusing on a checklist of requirements of what a purposeful life will be, open it all to him. Let him determine the purpose. Let him sift and filter. Let him guide and provide. You can trust him. You will find your perspective of pure purpose shifts.

It’s okay. God’s perspective is better.

2 thoughts on “Living Your Purpose

  1. I believe our purpose and our gifts can change from moment to moment. God gives us these special purposes and gifts and we must be open and willing to share them with others. 🙂

    1. Yes. It would be so much simpler if God gave us an index card with a simple statement of purpose on it. And I suppose, in a way, that general purpose is to seek, follow, and honor him. But the specific obedience changes, which is why we need to constantly let him sift and set our focus. As you said, we must be open and willing!

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