

photo-1536704231234-beca9772ca68You can’t claim God’s promises if you don’t know God’s promises.

Even when we know God’s promises, we tend to mis-claim them. We want to apply them to our lives in ways and times that make sense to us. If we don’t get what we expect, we’re tempted to question what God actually promises or his reliability.

Being able to easily search online resources can be valuable, but we can also make poor assumptions. We can search a topic and cherry-pick what works best for us at the time.

I use the clipping tool a lot on my reading device. I highlight phrases and sentences that stand out to me, then conveniently access them all in one place. However, I lose the context. I sometimes peruse what I have clipped and can’t remember why something stood out to me. Or I assume a sentence reflects a full truth when it’s only a glimpse of the whole.

Be careful. The best way to know God’s promises is to constantly get to know God himself. Know his character. Rely on his truth. Trust him to correct you.

The pursuit will never end in this lifetime, but that’s okay. God is enough to always reveal more to us.

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