A Snapshot

A Snapshot

photo-1531844734254-51193b49c604The sweetness of God stretched well into the evening. I’d spent many hours of the day with family. I’d enjoyed a leisurely dinner in my new home, making new memories and laughing with others. I finished some yard work and relaxed with my pup by my side. I took a walk as the air got a slight chill to it. As I walked, I listened to a strong message and reflected through several powerful worship songs. I relaxed before going to bed and starting a busy next day. As I settled into bed, I sighed deeply with gratitude. I savored a snapshot of my sweet life.

Life is tough.
It’s also good.

We sometimes think the tough takes away from the good, but I think it enhances it. It gives us the context of joy, faith, love, and hope.

Whatever you face today, take a breath and consider the context. You still might not like it. You might not understand. You might not be able to appreciate it in the moment – or ever. But try to give it enough time and space that you remain open to the possibility of purpose in it all.

2 thoughts on “A Snapshot

  1. So true. I was disappointed when my husband and I cancelled plans we had made for a trip out of town. We still had the week off, so we worked on projects around the house. I still am sorting through things of my mother’s, and didn’t get as much accomplished as I thought I would, but we also took the time to do a couple of fun things. Makes me appreciate the time together, because we are both approaching the age when my parents started having multiple health issues. (Long sorry for another time.) Sometimes just taking time away from our “paying” jobs is more helpful than going at a break neck speed to cram in sightseeing and traveling only to return home exhausted.

    1. Agreed! And even if we’re not able to officially take a break from a job or other responsibility, we can find some space within the routine in order to appreciate provision, rest, etc. Blessings to you!

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