Getting Organized…Again

Getting Organized…Again

photo-1472666260353-23210544cdf1I’d been planning to organize my garage since I moved in. I was in no hurry. I thought it might even be a winter project, but it started bothering me a few weeks ago. Some people might take a look and think it’s organized, but not quite for me.

When I moved in, I piled tubs neatly against the wall, but they were in no particular order. There wasn’t much in them I needed to purge; I’d done most of that already. But I thought I might be able to condense a bit. So, I thought it would be a good Labor Day weekend project. So, after church, I changed clothes, raised the garage door, invited my pup to join me by moving her bed to the edge of the garage, and I started.

As it turned out, I had a couple things to give away, some recycling to drop off, and a couple bags of trash. I found a few “why am I keeping this?” items. Time to move on and let them go. I loaded it all in my vehicle and got rid of it that day to clear the space and clear my mind. I labeled all the reorganized tubs and placed them in an order that made sense to me. I swept the garage and stood back to take a look.

I sighed. Sometimes it’s the little things that calm me, and organizing and cleaning does that. It’s like hitting a reset button. I know it won’t last a long time. I’ll need to shift and sweep over time, but for now it’s good.

When a friend unexpectedly stopped by later, she couldn’t remember my specific address and didn’t call to ask. But she thought she remembered my vehicle then saw the labeled tubs in the garage and was confident she had the right house. 🙂

You don’t have to organized a garage or basement to feel a sense of accomplishment. Maybe it’s a drawer. Perhaps it’s shredding a stack of old papers. Maybe it’s getting all the trash out of your vehicle or cleaning your purse. Challenge yourself to organize or purge something today. It might take some effort, but it will make your life a bit lighter.

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