Simple Joys

Simple Joys

photo-1533745654343-b28b0d2f8f03Sometimes I visit my mom and get some work done. I have shared before how much I enjoy the projects around the house and outside, being helpful while also enjoying the familiarity of where I spent my childhood years.

I also enjoy the quiet simplicity of hanging out with my mom. Sometimes we run errands or go out to eat, but a couple months ago, we just sat on the porch and talked about everyday things. Perhaps going through the turmoil of the past 3-5 years has made me even more sensitive to the simple moments, doing everyday life with people I love.

I sat in “dad’s chair,” and she sat across from me. We propped up our feet and chatted.
I looked out the window and thought about the generations of memories. I thought about the upcoming holidays and generating more memories. I looked at my mom and wondered how many conversations we’ve shared. I can’t even imagine what all she has done for me. I’m grateful we still like each other (most of the time—just kidding, Mom). I’m grateful we live close enough to each other and get to spend time together. I’m grateful we can relax together and enjoy the simplicity of everyday life.

I’m grateful for so many people I enjoy life with.

I probably don’t tell them often enough.

What simple joys are you overlooking? Be grateful today, and let people know you appreciate doing life with them.

4 thoughts on “Simple Joys

  1. As my mother’s mind was robbed by dementia, so was our relationship. My heart broke every time I visited her in the nursing home and she would introduce me to the staff as her sister in law (incidentally the one who had been estranged from the family but died shortly before Mom became ill and required long term care.) She asked the nursing home staff to take down the pictures of my daughters I had hung on her wall because she didn’t know “who those kids were.” (The staff just told her that they were her granddaughters and left the pictures where they were.) Towards the last month of her life, words became more difficult. Many times our visits were just spent sitting together. One day she looked at me, grabbed my arm and put it around her shoulders and leaned on my shoulder like a little child. I didn’t move for nearly an hour. That memory is bittersweet. But I am thankful for all the years that we did have conversations…treasure your mom and give her lots of hugs. 💖

    1. I am so sorry. I have supported friends who have walked through similar experiences. I am glad you had the perseverance to love your mom to the best of your ability and that you can see some bright spots even if they were not as often as you’d like. I am praying for you and wish I could give you a hug!

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