Your Beautiful Home

Your Beautiful Home

photo-1510082460461-62a0f312e2e6“It was great just relaxing in your beautiful home.”

A friend texted me after leaving my home. I’d had a flurry of friends within 24 hours. A friend from out of state had hung out late the night before; we picked up as if we hadn’t been apart for years. Then, the friend who texted me let me know she was in town and could she hang out for a bit. I was glad I was home for the day and could catch up with her. Another friend had mentioned possibly being in town and asked if she could pick up some things from me. She and her daughter surprised me with Starbucks.

I’ve written many times of how I want my home to be a place where people feel comfortable, where they can relax and belong and authentically share.

But my home is not beautiful because of it’s stuff. The colors, furniture, and decorations don’t make it beautiful. It is the friendships and family memories that fill it. That are continuing to fill it.

No matter where you live, it can be beautiful. How you prepare it matters—not with the stuff but with your attitude and habits. It’s not about your schedule; I didn’t expect to hang out at my house with any of those people in that 24 hours. I was surprised, yet I was prepared. Most of all, I was grateful.

You can make a beautiful home. First, you have to determine what “home” is and who it is for. Second, you have to determine what it takes to make it beautiful, not in looks but in experience. Then, you need to authentically live with and welcome others—on both sides of the door of your house.

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