Community Baptism

Community Baptism

photo-1516474642997-b86ccf7065a4I was invited to one of my friend’s daughter’s baptism. I attend a different church, and the baptism was scheduled for an already packed weekend, but I wanted to be there. I arrived in time and settled in with the family. I was underdressed because I needed to go somewhere else immediately afterward, but I didn’t feel awkward at all. The worship music began, and God filled the space within and around me. His presence was palpable. I was in awe of God’s abundant preparation that led up to the baptism and the preparation leading up to that day. So many moments woven together. So many prayers, conversations, and lessons.

The baptism was early in the service. As we gathered around the the baptismal, there seemed to be a hedge of protection and support. Tears flowed—mine and others’. I felt as if the world stopped for a moment, as if eternity engulfed us and steeped us in a holy pause.

I hesitated to move.

Yet worship continued. And the air seemed cleaner, my step seemed lighter, and joy seemed more complete.

One very important person in my life was baptized, but it was a community baptism. God had prepared us to participate in a moment of cleansing. It’s difficult to describe yet incredible to experience.

My busy day continued, and I didn’t sit and soak until well after dark. But the clarity remained. Even now, as I recall the moment, I am reminded of the importance of an eternal perspective and sensitivity to purpose. Life is hard, but God graces us with glimpses that strengthen us. Moments with him prepare us for the seasons he purposes.

2 thoughts on “Community Baptism

  1. I love your blog. Your comment
    “ Life is hard, but God graces us with glimpses that strengthen us. Moments with him prepare us for the seasons he purposes.”

    is so poignant. Thank you for that thought to meditate on and thank God for.

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