Almost Cancelled

Almost Cancelled

photo-1464219222984-216ebffaaf85I made a commitment early in the month to meet a friend after work one Saturday. When that Saturday approached, I had a full week packed with work. A pile still waited for me, and I thought about cancelling my plans to catch up a bit. But I knew I needed time away. I knew I needed some friend time. I knew we’d talk about some trials going on in our lives, but that was an odd relief from the demands of work.

I didn’t cancel. I was thankful I’d made the commitment weeks earlier, because it gave me motivation to get outside my weekly routine and check in with a friend. It provided me accountability and refreshing encouragement.

Make plans with people. Be intentional. Invite pauses in your daily and weekly routines. Sit and listen to friends. Share your lives. Be humble. Ask for input. Invite accountability. Seek truth over affirmation. Speak truth over comfort. And always infuse it all with compassion and love.

Be thankful for the people in your life. They provide multiple layers of support and truth-checks that you consistently need.

2 thoughts on “Almost Cancelled

  1. I wanted to bail out of bible study last night in the worst way..but I didn’t..and like you, I’m so glad I went; I was BLESSED.

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