Calibrate the Soul

Calibrate the Soul

photo-1464638681273-0962e9b53566I’m leading an online-based study of Chasing Vines. As I prepared, I felt as if my soul was being calibrated. It is long overdue.

I’ve been invested in faith, in my relationship with God—but a lot has happened in my life in the past several years. In so many ways, the roots of my faith have stretched deeper and reached out to grasp solid ground and provide a stronger foundation for me. Yet my focus has pulled me away from seeing and processing some finer details.

I have continued ministering to women through the season. I’ve traveled to speak to women in leadership. I’ve led a spiritual health class. I’ve written and shared my story on my blog and in Fractured Into Wholeness. But preparing for this Bible study has been different.

Preparing for this study is a recollection, like reconnecting with a friend I haven’t seen for a while. It is grounding. It is a delicate pruning that is keeping me in check. It is healing and challenging. It is strengthening and humbling. It is growing me. And I am thankful.

Do something that challenges your faith today. Let God calibrate your soul.

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