The Ride

The Ride

20200307_165329All rides are not equal.

As I rode The Wheel in St. Louis, I considered the experience of it compared to other rides with height. It was smooth, and I hardly noticed the up and down of it. A roller coaster also goes up and down. That’s a different experience.

On the ferris wheel, despite the movement, we enjoyed each other’s company. We snapped photos, laughed, and added memories to our day. On a roller coaster, we often hang on and can’t hear each other if we try to talk. On the ferris wheel, I enjoyed the beautiful view. On a roller coaster, I often have tunnel vision straight ahead or struggle to orientate myself.

We often can’t control the ups and downs of life. But we can choose the perspective with which we experience them.


3 thoughts on “The Ride

  1. Yes. Although a Ferris wheel is rather nerve wracking for me just because of the height. But I weary of this roller coaster ride. Ready to get off and just enjoy the scenery.

    1. …and sometimes the scenery/perspective God wants us to see are from those places we see as scary. And other times it’s from the places we see as routine, safe, or boring. Ha.

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