Stretched Time

Stretched Time

photo-1503918668830-cd827e77fc66God stretched time.

Sometimes stretched time is unwanted. Time can creep by. But this was slowed time for which I was grateful.

My weekend had been busy. That might seem odd in our season of shelter-in-place and social distancing, but many of you know what I mean. Many responsibilities have remained the same but with just enough alterations that add some challenges that can be tiresome. With so many people struggling and shifting, there are more people to check on and listen to and help when possible. I am so grateful for the relationships and community ties I have, and I would not give up the opportunities I’ve been given to share with others through this season.

But the weekend was a lot. I needed to breathe. I didn’t have anything that had to get done, but there were some things I wanted to get done. There were only a few more hours of the weekend left. I was fairly certain I’d crawl into bed with the admission I’d left some things undone.

But I crawled into bed with a satisfaction. For a moment, I was surprised to look at the time and wonder how I’d done so much. It had nothing to do with my skills. I knew God was giving me slowed time to breathe and savor peace.

Sometimes time flies, and sometimes it creeps. Both seem to have at inconvenient times, but that’s not always the case. I need to consistently be aware of God’s provision and protection through time. I’m grateful he is in charge of time. He just gives me the responsibility of trusting him and stewarding it well.

4 thoughts on “Stretched Time

  1. I certainly appreciate where you are coming from here. This past week my schedule was every other day at work, interspersed with a day off, with this weekend off. Not something I would want all the time but once a month that is what happens. It gives me a breather in between days of “head work”, and I actually had my laundry caught up! Now I am heading into a 3 day stretch of 12 hour shifts. The only plus will be that I have a 5 day stretch off afterwards without needing to use vacation time.
    I still find myself experiencing a twinge of jealousy at folks complaining about being confined. That sounds awful. But I really would like to be able to clean out closets, get rid of stuff that has piled in the storage space in the basement, and have a sale of things we are not keeping from my mother’s estate. I also would like to just sit and work on scrapbook pages and cards. But it’s not happening right now. I need to be thankful that my husband and I are still gainfully employed at a time so many are struggling. I am also thinking that a lot of what I need to move out is going to get donated. That is, if people aren’t afraid of catching something…

    1. I am praying for you as you begin the long haul ahead. I completely get that odd juxtaposition of being thankful for where we are yet a bit envious of what others are experiencing. I think it is the same for each of us. We can find a way to appreciate the pieces of where we are but not overlook the pain we are experiencing as well. Oh, how I wish we could meet face to face and hug and pray!

      1. Just now seeing this, the past couple of weeks have been rather hectic. A different hectic, but stressful nonetheless. Thank you—I wish we could too!
        My mother in law’s health is beginning to decline significantly. Complicated, long story. But we received a call from my sister in law this am and I am concerned that things may progress rather quickly. God is walking us through this, but it is still heartbreaking …

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