Faith Squirms

Faith Squirms

photo-1578730260814-d77efc72112dI was recently in a situation in which I felt awkward. Some things needed to be addressed, but there needed to be patience and compassion, too. I squirmed—perhaps not outwardly but definitely inside. I had been praying, and several others were praying at that specific time, so I knew I was safe with God. I could trust him. But my mind still gets in the way at times.

But then I got outside myself.

The other people involved were probably squirming, too. They probably felt some awkwardness and uncertainty. What if I focused more on them, what they needed, how I could help them? After all, that was the point of the conversation anyway.

It should come as no surprise how comforting and helpful the process of empathy is.  Any time I offer God my humility, he responds with generous provision. Oh, how I love him.

I can’t say everything went smoothly. The process is definitely not wrapped into a nicely-tied bow. But…I trusted God, and he provided. I will continue to trust him, and he will continue to provide.

As comforting as the process of faith is, it also feels awkward at times. But the situation was going to feel awkward either way. Trusting him as least gave stability to the situation. I know it’s a process, and God is in that process.

Whatever you are facing right now, know you are not alone. The interactions you need to have might be out of your comfort zone. You might want to shirk away or jump in with solutions and control. Take a breath and trust God to lead. He has a better perspective. He knows when that nicely-tied bow needs to stay untied just a little bit longer.

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