Bedraggled Us

Bedraggled Us

His name is Bruce, and he’s my granddaughter’s buddy. A while back, he went for a little ride and ended up being lost somewhere between my house and hers. My mom was at my house, so the two of us jumped in the car and went on a rescue mission.

He wasn’t far away, but he was on a busy road—in the middle of a busy road. I jumped out and grabbed him. He was unscathed.

My granddaughter had no clue what had happened. Bruce was returned unharmed. He continues to be well loved, and that means he seems a bit bedraggled at times because of his many adventures.

Bruce reminds me of us all in a way. He goes through some rough stuff, as we all do. He is well loved through the adventures, as we all are. He is protected through some unplanned precarious situations, as we all are.

Because of God.

We might not like the rough stuff, experience the love in every adventure, or appreciate the protection, but God is providing every step of the way. The world bedraggles us. God embraces and enhances us.

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