

Recalibration is precise. It requires attention to detail, because marks and measurements are essential. To recalibrate means to fix any discrepancies between where something is and where it should be. Marks matter, and space between the marks matter. Recalibration is intentional.

Your life must be intentional. You cannot calibrate your life from the very beginning. No child knows the details of the coming years of life. No twenty-something can foresee what’s going to happen to derail or challenge the carefully laid out plans and dreams for the future. Yet you can remain in God’s purpose and plan by consistent recalibration.

In order to recalibrate, you must be consistent with the measurement standard, which means you have to know God’s Word to stand on and abide in God’s truth. You must know the target or goal. You must know how and where you miss the mark in order to recalibrate to hit the mark. Without the true reference point, you will stand, aim, and perhaps fire in the general direction, but because you don’t know the precise target, you can’t accurately assess if or how far you’re off the mark. You don’t make adjustments, so you don’t improve. You might even try to step to one side or the other, turn slightly, or change angles, which not only causes you to miss even more but also becomes dangerous to others around you.

The measurement standard doesn’t change. God is unchanging. What changes is you. When you trust God to show you the discrepancies of where you are and where he knows you can be, when you trust God to make adjustments today that might not make sense but prepare you for something ahead, you will consistently and accurately recalibrate your spiritual life.

2 thoughts on “Recalibrate

  1. Well I am definitely feeling “tweaked “ right now with my job. Long story, but things are not improving. So I am pondering other possibilities as none of my transfer requests went as I had hoped. Interviews seemed to go well, so not really sure what is going on besides God saying “no”. But I am definitely not thriving or learning what He wants in my current situation.
    Then again, maybe it is the “walk humbly” part He is trying to make me understand.

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