Being Resolute in Valued Prayer

Being Resolute in Valued Prayer

I will praise you as long as I live. I will lift up my hands in prayer to your name. (Psalm 63:4)

How do you struggle with prayer?

What do you believe are the most important purposes of prayer?

When you consider your prayer life, do you feel more guilty or satisfied and joyful?

I don’t think anyone ever feels “prayed up” enough. The closer we get to God, the more important we realize prayer is, so even the mightiest of prayer warriors desire more and more time in devoted prayer. They feel the burden of their loved ones and acquaintances in need. Those who don’t have a developed prayer life feel inadequate. They know they should pray more. They know their faith will deepen and grow. But how can they ever measure up to that mighty prayer warrior? How will they find the time? What will they say? What if God doesn’t answer?

Stop the excuses. No matter how inferior or inadequate you feel you are, God says otherwise. He invites you into a relationship with him, and he wants to hear from you. Just talk. Say hello. Tell him what’s going on in your life. Yes, he already knows, but he likes to hear it from you. Yes, he cares about the little stuff just as much as the big stuff. Avoid punishing yourself for the shortcomings in your prayer life, and use them as motivation to grow. Prayer is communication, and just as in any relationship, in order to have healthy communication, you need to practice. You need to listen more than you talk. You must be authentic. You need to share. You must let the relationship and what’s communicated infiltrate your life and make a positive difference. Prayer will develop a healthy relationship between you and God. It takes effort, but it’s well worth it!

What three words come to mind when you think of prayer? Write a prayer that includes all three words or concepts. Read it aloud. Pour out your heart to God. He’ll hear and respond.

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