Comfortable or Commanded?

Comfortable or Commanded?

We can respond in a way that’s more about what’s comfortable instead of what’s commanded.

That might not be our intention, but we can rationalize a lot, even what we say is and isn’t intended by God’s Word. If we want to support just about any point or perspective with Scripture, we can isolate a verse or two and do so. We can stay in our comfort zones and feel good doing so because “God says so.” But does he, really?

comfortzoneDo you really know what he’s commanding of you today? Not what he’s commanding of someone else. We can all spout off dozens of verses that condemn someone else, but what about you? How does he want you to move today? It could seem like a very small change or an enormous change, but when guided by God, we can be certain that all change is significant and essential for our spiritual growth.

We can’t always “figure out” Scripture. We’ve tried to comprehensively search it, pulling together all the possibilities and coming to a succinct conclusion. God reveals himself through Scripture. We seek; He provides. But he’s not a gumball machine. We don’t put in a certain amount of time, the right question, or an impatient demand and get a magical response just the way we want it. Sometimes we need to wrestle through something as part of the process. Sometimes we need to actively pursue and be patient as part of the process. God will never let us down or leave us. Yet we give up and move on to something or someone else.

Are you looking for commands or comfort? Are you looking for what convicts you or what confirms you? God wants to conform you. He created you in his image, and he’s making you more and more into his likeness as you yield to him. It’s not a comfortable process. Transformation never is. But it’s worth it, because it’s God’s way and will.

Do not be shaped by this world; instead be changed within by a new way of thinking. Then you will be able to decide what God wants for you; you will know what is good and pleasing to him and what is perfect. (Romans 12:2)

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