Less of Me

Less of Me

6346531586_19c447a495_bLess of me, more of God. It’s something I’ve prayed for years, inhaling God’s presence and exhaling myself – or at least the pieces of myself that get in the way of my life with God. I have found there is no better preparation or position. Of course, it’s a process. I want it to be a lifestyle, but no matter how disciplined I am, I can always grow and be more intentional in this area. It is a habit that continually must be honed. It’s a choice I need to continually make.

I was super intentional about it in the days leading into a recent important appointment. I had plenty on my calendar, but no matter what I’m doing, I can be vigilant about yielding myself and giving space to God. There is no better preparation. I still had many uncertainties and concerns, but they didn’t consume me because of the context. Faith doesn’t scrub our lives of insecurities and doubts. It surrounds and stabilizes it all.

Less of me, more of God.

Today. Right now. With each step and breath.

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