Recover the Wonder

Recover the Wonder

photo-1444703686981-a3abbc4d4fe3We like to understand, to be able to explain. We Google what we don’t know. We don’t take time to consider, wrestle, and construct respectful, sensible arguments. We want to win. We want to know. We want to master.

But there is worth in stepping back, taking in the broader perspective. When we keep what we don’t know in the context of what we do know, we see an expanse that encompasses us but is beyond us. We have respect for something beyond knowledge. We breathe in wonder.

We’ve become a culture driven to accumulate facts and knowledge, to either know a little bit about a lot of things or a lot about a few things. We want expertise and familiarity. We don’t want to wonder; we want to accumulate.

Wonder is less about missing out and more about embracing with open arms, mind, heart, and soul. Wonder is “sitting in the pocket” not as laziness but as a trust of, foundation, a vantage point from which to learn and experience.

Wonder is available. Recover the wonder today.

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