Only God

Only God

sanding-baby-triangleWe are only servants of God who helped you believe. Each one of us did the work God gave us to do. I planted the seed, and Apollos watered it. But God is the One who made it grow. So the one who plants is not important, and the one who waters is not important. Only God, who makes things grow, is important. The one who plants and the one who waters have the same purpose, and each will be rewarded for his own work. 1 Corinthians 3:5-8

God created us for community. Sometimes it makes sense to us. We help each other in ways we’re gifted and enjoy. We see how one situation prepared someone to walk alongside someone else later. We notice the connection between one person’s sacrifice and another’s need. We feel as if we fit with some people, especially as we serve alongside them on teams to accomplish God’s work. We bask in his provision.

We don’t always bask. We experience conflict. We get frustrated. We question where we fit or the timing of God’s provision. We feel alone and wonder where everyone is. We rush through our days and fail to notice God’s promptings to pause to serve or be served. We feel unequally yoked in relationships.

Living in community is difficult at times even when we’re in a community of believers. Personalities, schedules, and priorities seem to conflict more than complement each other. Sometimes we just want to scream, “Why can’t we all just get along?”

God brings us together in ways we can’t fathom. Even those situations which we think we understand might not be exactly what we perceive. God knows the details. He knows who we need to come in contact with for what purpose and in what timing. Our role is not to understand or manage everything he’s trying to do. Our role is to be sensitive to his leading and step out in obedience.

God wants us to help each other grow. He wants us to encourage each other on our faith journeys, which means bumping up against each other at times. When we’re willing, we usually grow more through the rough patches of life and relationships than the smooth ones. Sandpaper has little impact when used on the smooth side. Are you willing and available to be shaped?

Live It. Place a small piece of sandpaper or emery board in your wallet or phone case as a reminder throughout the day of the importance of living life intentionally alongside others.