Hazy Vision

Hazy Vision

Jordan was just a short distance across the Dead Sea, but I couldn’t see it. I could see an outline of the mountains, but details were blocked by the haze that hung thickly in the air. I had stood near the same spot a few years before and seen much more clearly. Nothing had moved. Jordan was no farther away. No huge skyscraper had been built in the middle of the Dead Sea to obstruct my view. All that got in the way of my sight was air.

The air was saturated. It obstructed my view.

What gets in the way of our vision?

How do we see other countries when we stand at a distance and look through the haze of our assumptions?

Perhaps we have looked through the haze for so long that we don’t even realize how poorly we see.

We might not be looking through the haze at all…but at it instead.

What area of the world do you ignore? What nation do you look at through a haze? What people do you miss out on knowing because you focus on the space between you and them? They might be far away, or they might be right across from you. You might have to get closer and take some risks to push aside the obstructions and find truth instead.
