This Week’s 7: The Human Experience

This Week’s 7: The Human Experience

I love diversity. I enjoy sitting at a busy airport and watching and listening to the richness of colors, sounds, and interactions. I can always find something in common with people I meet. No matter how different you feel you are from others, there are some common human experiences we all share.

Tears. We might cry about different things. We might cry in different ways. Tears can indicate joy, grief, and extensive laughter.

You have recorded my troubles. You have kept a list of my tears. Aren’t they in your records? (Psalm 56:8)

Laughter. We laugh about different things. We laugh in different ways. Laughter usually indicates enjoyment of life.

Then we were filled with laughter, and we sang happy songs. (Psalm 126:2)

Hunger. How we define hunger differs greatly depending on the extent of our need. Those who hunger less seem more picky about what they eat. Hunger can be physical, emotional, or spiritual.

They were thin from hunger and wandered the dry and ruined land at night. (Job 30:3)

Fear. The context of fear varies from specific phobias to a fear of attack and death. Fear can be motivating, but it can also drain us of strength.

Yes, my dear children, live in him so that when Christ comes back, we can be without fear and not be ashamed in his presence. (1 John 2:28)

Warmth. We seek warmth but can be uncomfortable when burdened with heat. We seek relief from discomfort. While we try to regulate temperature for comfort, many people around the world try to regulate temperature for survival.

If you say to that person, “God be with you! I hope you stay warm and get plenty to eat,” but you do not give what that person needs, your words are worth nothing. (James 2:16)

Relationships. We seek relationships for various reasons: love, companionship, business, comfort, service, and so on. We need relationships, because we need one another to encourage, provide for, and be accountable. God created us for biblical community.

Here the saying is true, “One person plants, and another harvests.” (John 4:37)

Thirst. While we all thirst for something, there is only One who can satisfy our thirst:

Jesus answered, “Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again,  but whoever drinks the water I give will never be thirsty. The water I give will become a spring of water gushing up inside that person, giving eternal life.” (John 4:13-14)

Fully experience the depth and breadth of God’s will for you today.

Each Sunday on the Pure Purpose blog, I feature This Week’s 7, a simple list about an everyday topic, giving you ideas and encouragement. Thanks for joining me today!