Jesus Is Kind

Jesus Is Kind

Jesus extends his kindness by doing for us what we cannot do for ourselves. Consider his healing of the lepers in Luke 17.

While Jesus was on his way to Jerusalem, he was going through the area between Samaria and Galilee. As he came into a small town, ten men who had a skin disease met him there. They did not come close to Jesus but called to him, “Jesus! Master! Have mercy on us!”

When Jesus saw the men, he said, “Go and show yourselves to the priests.”

As the ten men were going, they were healed. When one of them saw that he was healed, he went back to Jesus, praising God in a loud voice. Then he bowed down at Jesus’ feet and thanked him. (And this man was a Samaritan.) Jesus said, “Weren’t ten men healed? Where are the other nine? Is this Samaritan the only one who came back to thank God?” Then Jesus said to him, “Stand up and go on your way. You were healed because you believed.” (verses 11-19)

These men couldn’t heal themselves. They needed someone to help them, but they faced barriers of isolation. They needed someone to reach across the boundaries and into their deepest needs in order to move beyond where they were into a life full of hope. They needed Jesus.

Jesus didn’t have to help that day. He had plenty of other things he could have been doing—very good things, such as teaching his disciples and followers or correcting the many wrongs being done in the name of God by religious authorities of the day. But Jesus doesn’t stay in the “safe” zone of an inner circle of friends and family or even church family. His kindness wasn’t dependent on a specific heritage. His kindness was dependent on need—and it still is.

In some way, you need Jesus right now. He knows your needs better than you know them. You might take your perceived needs to him and wonder why he’s withholding his kindness from you, but he’s not. His response is always kind, so however he responds in every circumstance to every plea comes out of his kindness.

Let him move in your life—even when you don’t comprehend exactly what that means or looks like. Jesus is kind…to you.

2 thoughts on “Jesus Is Kind

  1. Sometimes His kindness comes in unexpected forms. A “no” response to a prayer may be a way for Him to show His kindness because He had to say “no” to something you wanted to say “yes” to something even better. I have certainly experienced His kindness to me in this way and I pray we all have eyes to recognize His kindness in whatever form it comes.

  2. i had 2 visions of experiencing jesus and he is a experience.i can only compare him to being like a brother only better. He loves the little children and he suffered and died for anyone jew or gentile.finally peace from me to you.

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