Fitting All the Pieces Together

Fitting All the Pieces Together

There are a lot of moving parts in daily life. Lots of decisions to make. Lots of problems to solve. Lots of questions to answer. Lots of responsibilities to coordinate. Feeling overwhelmed as the thought of it all?

If you try to take control of everything, you will…feel overwhelmed.


If you settle into God’s presence and respond as He guides, you will have a peace and comfort that calms and reassures you.

piecesI know, I know. Sounds simple and too good to be true, but let me assure you choosing God isn’t easy. He doesn’t take away all the decisions, problems, questions, and responsibilities. He doesn’t eliminate the chaos of moving parts. Everything doesn’t fall into place with ease. Having peace and comfort that calms and reassures you doesn’t mean your life is perfect, as you want it. Relying on Him and having His peace and comfort is certainly overwhelming, in a good way, at times, but other times, He simply gives you the perseverance you need to move forward and slog through the messiness of life. He takes the edge off.

What’s right in front of you? Face it with God.

When you make a list of all the moving parts, you’ll likely drown in the details…and perhaps ask God why He’s allowing so much. But He never intended for you to take it all on by yourself. He never intended for you to control life on your own. And He never intended you to look at all the possibilities and get tied up in knots with anxiety.

Don’t worry about anything, but in everything, through prayer and petition with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God. (Philippians 4:6)

There are, indeed, many moving parts in life, but you’re not the mechanic or the engineer. Your biggest responsibility is to trust and follow God, not because of what you get out of the choice. Your choice recognizes God’s authority. He already has it, and you’re not going to change that. Choose to honor Him, and He will change you.

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