Early Morning Prayer

Early Morning Prayer

It was early in the morning…as in before the sun rose.

The prayer event had started 3 p.m. the previous day. People had signed up for 30-minute time slots, and I had offered to serve a 3-hour shift to welcome people as they arrived to pray.

It was a beautiful and peaceful place to pray.


There was very little sound. There was stillness in the air. Yet the room was full – of God’s presence, of invitation to be vulnerable, of encouragement toward truth, courage, trust, and humility.

Those three hours flew by. Filled with reading God’s Word and sharing my heart with Him, I left feeling complete, content, and prepared. It is a morning I will not soon forget.


Search for the Lord and for His strength; seek His face always. (1 Chronicles 16:11, HCSB)

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