Harrowing or Heroing?

Harrowing or Heroing?

photo-1513384312027-9fa69a360337A harrowing experience is disturbing and distressing.

Heroing (although not exactly a grammatically-correct term) involves strength and ability in an effort to help someone.

One tears down, and the other builds up. One hurts; the other helps.

What are you inviting people into when you interact with them? What are you infusing into their lives? Harrowing or heroing?

What are your motivations?

We can’t fix everything. We can’t be the hero and remedy all the ills of the world. But when we humbly consider and serve people out of compassion, when we let God use the strengths and abilities to impact people in the way he intends, when we let others see and come alongside our weaknesses as God provides for us through community, harrowing experiences are infused with doses of heroing.

We don’t have to be superheroes, nor do we need to expect others to be superheroes. Heroing can be subtle and discreet. We can help others, encourage others, notice others. We can spend time with others, listen to others, and invite others into transparency and accountability.

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