Notice Your Focus

Notice Your Focus

b3546d64As I drove home, I noticed a small cluster of adults standing on the edge of the concrete lot of a school. One person stood a few steps into the grass. I wondered what was happening. As I got closer, I saw one person step forward and throw something into the air away from the group. Then I realized: a group of adults were practicing their track and field skills for the Special Olympics.

They looked focused, and they seemed to be having fun.

I smiled.

Then I noticed other people outside in their yards or along the street doing a variety of things. Some seemed to be having fun but others not so much. Of course, I don’t know for sure what they were thinking or feeling, but it prompted me to check myself.

It had been a long day at work, and I was tired, but I still had several hours left in the day. How would I spend it? What would I focus on? Would I choose joy? I got home and stood outside for a minute to breathe and appreciate my life.

There have been some dark days during the past couple years. I have struggled to keep my focus on the light piercing that darkness. I have determined to choose truth again and again. So, on days when the details around me remind me to savor and smile, I am full of gratitude. Sometimes I softly weep with gratitude. It is part of the healing and growing process.

Look around today and notice the truth of your focus. See what and who is around you. Appreciate what is and choose well what is next.

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