A Sacred Hush

A Sacred Hush

photo-1582568382071-b40433c0f33cI am often 36-48 hours behind my Colorado friend’s weather. Of course, there are differences, but the general trend of what she experiences blows my direction.

She video-chatted the gorgeous snowfall. I wasn’t sure I was ready for a reminder of winter, but I checked the forecast to be prepared. I didn’t see snow in the weekend forecast.

When I woke up Sunday morning, I quickly realized I didn’t look well enough or the forecasters were wrong. A gorgeous, quiet snow was falling. I went outside, and the world seemed so very quiet—with the beautiful exception of birds singing. Well, I assume they were singing. For all I know, they might have been crying in bewilderment of the cold wet stuff falling on them. I chose to interpret the sounds as singing.

Even from inside my house, the scene was beautiful. The flakes were huge and quickly blanketed the ground. I knew it wouldn’t last for long with the warm ground, but it was quite the comforting sight while it lasted.

I don’t think the surprise snow created any challenges for people, since most of us were inside for the day, sheltering in place. And it was a quiet reminder of the beauty of unexpected conditions. It was as if God comforted us with a soothing hush.

Thanks, God.

Be alert to his creative and beautiful provision.



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