Full Stockings, Full Heart

Full Stockings, Full Heart

I had a bonus hook to hang a new stocking this year. I left it empty as I was decorating. Our family addition wasn’t expected until the new year, but she arrived just before Christmas. I hung her stocking in the gap and stood back to look and consider.

The row of stockings was full. They fit just right. I’ve shared stories about stockings before. It’s a fun tradition of our Christmas. I love hanging our matching stockings and seeing them in the cozy corner of the living room in the weeks leading up to our Christmas celebration.

Our family is special. I appreciate every person in it. Each of us has faced transitions and adjustments in past years—some have been extremely difficult, and others have been wonderful. In the middle of a recent conversation, I was overwhelmed with an appreciation for the honesty, problem-solving, and cooperation I’ve had with my girls and their families in the past years. I’m grateful for cultivating authentic relationships with them. I appreciate the tough times that have given our family a context of healing and joy.

Life isn’t easy. Family is challenging at times. But they fill my heart, and I am thankful for every memory I have with them.

Find gratitude in your season.

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