Quit Asking Questions?

Quit Asking Questions?

ask-questionsI recently heard someone say, “I don’t like all these questions.” I wondered, “Why?”

I don’t like all these questions, because they make me uncomfortable.

I don’t like all these questions, because I don’t know the answers.

I don’t like all these questions, because the uncertainty threatens me.

I don’t like all these questions, because I already know the answers.

None of these reasons are sufficient reason to cease asking questions. Questions invite conversation. Questions spur searching. Questions demand an active response and engagement in a…well, a quest!

Jesus asked questions.

Jesus doesn’t just focus on the “what” we’re supposed to do. The “what” of faith is throughout Scripture. Jesus fulfilled and expanded the “what” to the “how” and “why.” Knowing Jesus asked questions doesn’t spur us to ask questions. Knowing how Jesus asked questions teaches us how to ask questions.

Asking questions doesn’t have to be disrespectful (although it can be) or threatening (although it can be). Asking questions can be faith-building and God-revealing. Ask questions today. You might not get the answer you want in the timing you prefer. You might have to wrestle with God toward the answer, and you will likely wrestle with others. Honor God through the process. Seek him, and you’ll know him better because of the quest.