The NAGigator

The NAGigator

I’m a good navigator, but if I don’t watch out, I can be pretty good as a nagigator, too. nag

How about you?

Even when our goal is to help someone get from one place to another, our encouragement, reminders, and direction can go from simple to complex-and-twisted-with-accusations-and-impatience with a single wrong turn. And I’m not talking about someone else’s wrong turn. I’m talking about our own.

In case you haven’t caught on yet, I’m also not talking about helping someone navigate a driving route. I’m talking about leading others through life. Ministry, parenting, friendships, mentoring, and so goes on. In any situation you have an influence on someone, and that person trusts you to guide him or her well…what starts as a respectful, helpful relationship can turn into…

What are you doing?

Why aren’t you listening to what I say?

You’re making this a lot harder than this has to be!

Maybe you haven’t said those exact words, but does the tone sound familiar? Does it match an attitude you’ve had, regardless of how you’ve masked it with your words?

Leading well isn’t about nagging well. People need help. They need encourage. They need to try and fail and get back on track. They need to know they’re not the only ones who get disoriented. They need to know you’re going to stay beside them.

Are you beside the people you lead? Really? Maybe you should consider what it looks and sounds like from their perspective.

Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. (Ephesians 4:29)