The Share Approval Process

The Share Approval Process

007b8ae266d2a977ac0157e273dcdacbI created a video for a nonprofit organization, and because it featured a minor’s story, it had to go through the proper channels for approval.

The first round didn’t take long. A couple minor changes were requested, and after quickly making those, I resubmitted it, thinking the approval process would be much shorter.


Two months later, the video was approved. It was still usable, but it wasn’t as timely as I had hoped.

I understand the lengthy process. It was for a person’s protection. I am grateful for that.

I wonder if we all had to go through such a lengthy process when considering what to share via social media. It might be beneficial for everyone involved, the sharer and the sharees. It would require perseverance and patience, two things with which many of us struggle. One of the things we like most about social media is the immediacy and accessibility of it. But that’s not always a good thing.

Put a share approval process in place. You will likely thank yourself years from now when Timehop reports what you posted in the past, and I’m certain many who are reading your posts will thank you, too.