Circling the Drain

Circling the Drain

photo-1518201660989-894b770d6e3cHow often do you circle the drain? It’s a difficult cycle to break. I think a lot of us struggle with it on social media. If we listen to our conversations or thought patterns, we might find a lot of circling there as well.

Circling the drain is a spinning negativity. It’s hard to stop.

There’s a lot of circling the drain in our world right now. How can you change your thought patterns? How can you positively contribute to conversations? You might not be able to change what leaders are saying and how they’re influencing others, but you can be a different type of leader to those around you. You can influence people for the better. You can be authentic, dealing with tough situations and conversations yet doing so with hope and compassion.

Let’s stop circling the drain and do some good.

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