Provision of Now

Provision of Now

Sometimes we want more.

I’m not talking about material wants but the spiritual ones. What we want seems admirable. We want more patience. We want healing. We might even want challenges that will grow our faith.

But what if we we’re faithful with the trials we’re in, trust God for the healing we need, instill patience in our daily struggles? What if we steward what we’re in and going through? I don’t think it’s bad to want more in faith, but sometimes we want more because we want different. We want the timeline to move a bit faster. We aren’t willing to deeply sit where we are. We want God to move in the ways we expect, in the ways we can accept, instead of letting him cultivate and provide where we are. When we trust him where we are, we won’t stay there. Our faith cannot help but grow and lead us forward. We might walk right into more situations that require healing and trust and patience, among other things, but we will be soaked in God’s presence and provision as we proceed.

Listen to your prayers. What themes do you hear? What do you believe you need?

Consider: how are you trusting God with those needs in your today, or are you focused more on what you believe meeting those needs looks like from God’s perspective? God is creative. Invite his creativity as he grows your faith.

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