Echoes of Giggles

Echoes of Giggles

Having a home where people feel welcome is important to me. I value community and connections. After a short five years in my current home, the walls hold a lot. I’ve comforted people and laughed with them. I’ve listened and shared. I’ve studied, discussed, and questioned. I’ve grown with others.

I’ve played, giggled, crafted, read and snuggled with the littles in my life. Recently one of them spent quite a bit of time with me. She pretty much did her own thing. She had lots of craft projects and activity books to choose from in addition to the regular books, toys, puzzles, and more. We had some special projects as well, like tie dying and canvas painting. We cooked dinner and baked cupcakes. We had fun—or at least I did.

When she left, my house echoed with giggles. It happens when the littles spend any time at my house or in my yard. The giggles seep into my home and into my heart. It doesn’t leave my home empty but full. It doesn’t make me lonely when they leave but glad they we were together.

I don’t take for granted the relationships I get to have. When we assume or demand, we miss out. Investing in our relationships and appreciating the depth of them adds an unquantifiable value. It’s so often not what we do but who we are that welcomes others. People know because they feel. I hope I can always welcome people with patient listening, comforting security, heartfelt empathy, and challenging encouragement—all infused with love and sprinkled with giggles.

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