Receiving the Baton

Receiving the Baton

post-12Elisha picked up the mantle that had fallen off Elijah and went back and stood on the bank of the Jordan. Then he took the mantle Elijah had dropped and struck the waters. “Where is the Lord God of Elijah?” he asked. He struck the waters himself, and they parted to the right and the left, and Elisha crossed over. (2 Kings 2:13-14)

We actively receive. We participate in the passing of the baton. Sometimes, we might just want or expect to receive, but grasping what someone offers takes willing participation and preparation. We might stubbornly refuse because the passing of the baton isn’t done the way we want or in the timing we want. We may get too much or not enough recognition in the process. We might feel underprepared. We might not have much respect for the person we follow, or we might have so much respect for him or her that we are overwhelmed with the responsibility. But none of that cancels our responsibility to receive. We have to be ready and willing to do what it takes to pick up and put on what God intends in His timing.

What is He asking you to pick up (and put down) today? He’s prepared you. Trust Him through the process. Respond in faith.