God Pricks Our Hearts

God Pricks Our Hearts

God pricks our hearts, making them beat a little harder with compassion, conviction, or justice. But when we harden our hearts, we don’t feel the prick as easily.

We want to protect ourselves. We don’t want people to hurt us. We toughen up. And sometimes, that makes us less sensitive to God. We take pride in not be too sensitive with others, and in the process, we desensitize ourselves to Him.

Of course, He can be adamant and firm enough to still get through to us, but we miss out something. We miss out on our vulnerability to Him and His way. He miss out on sensitivity.

It takes humility, and it involves risks, but I believe it is worth it.

I want Him to prompt me, and I want to respond well. I want Him to prick my heart to feel what matters most to Him.

What about you?

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