Ride Along God

Ride Along God

photo-1471238119891-2e56eca253b4We sometimes ask God to be our quiet ride along for the day (or for life). We want him to bless what we’re doing and follow us wherever we go.

A better option is to ask him to help us do whatever it is that he wants to bless.

We don’t passively ride along, nor should we expect him to do the same. We too easily take the path we want or the one that makes the most sense to us, and we just glance around every now and then to check and make sure he’s close.

Spoiler alert: God is close.

But how close are you? How determinedly do you pursue him? How intentionally do you invite him? How constantly do you chat with him?

Your relationship with him makes a difference in your journey.

One thought on “Ride Along God

  1. I literally just had a dream where I uttered the similar words to a cousin of mine….

    “We want him to bless what we’re doing and follow us wherever we go.”

    Wow! Thank You Lord, we hear You! Lead and direct our paths!!

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