Pumpkin Fairy

Pumpkin Fairy

A pumpkin fairy visited my house.

She hadn’t been there when I took a late lunch from work, but a couple hours later, my granddaughter and I pulled into the driveway, and tada! What a great variety of colors, sizes, and shapes. Most of my mums aren’t quite blooming yet, but when they do, I anticipate all the colors and textures creating a gorgeous symphony.

The most beautiful symphonies, arrangements, and experiences require other people. They sometimes deliver what we didn’t know we needed and wanted. Sometimes they provide salve for the deep hurts of our souls. Sometimes they bring laughter to lighten our loads and mark moments with joy. The people of our personal communities aren’t present all the time. They can’t be. Even when someone is physically near, our own minds wonder and process. But even when they are gone, what they leave behind, physically, relationally, and emotionally, can encourage us.

God’s provision is good—and abundant, nourishing, generous, and colorful. People come and go. Sometimes we push them away or ignore them. Sometimes they walk away. Sometimes we stay connected through the highs and lows. Every single person is valued. But not every interaction is valuable for us. God determines that value. He invites us to experience within his perspective and purpose. We don’t always deliver when he intends, and we don’t always see the beauty he is giving us. But when we do, we sigh in appreciation.

I can’t understand every bit of God’s provision and how he’s using it, but I can stay alert, acknowledge, and find contentment in it.

2 thoughts on “Pumpkin Fairy

  1. It is so hard these days to focus on the positive. Thank you for being a light in the dark stream of social media. I am seriously thinking of dropping most of my social media accounts because I am weary of constant dissension.

    1. Thank you for your encouragement. It is definitely a challenging time. Knowing our healthy boundaries that involve both engagement and withdrawal is difficult. Sometimes we need to hit that pause button, and it’s difficult to determine how long we need to step away and when and how to step back into the conversations. But I think as long as we are doing so in God’s way and in his timing, we can do so with his confidence.

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