Other Prayer

Other Prayer

photo-1520642413789-2bd6770d59e3Before work one morning, I ran by the school where my daughter teaches to pick something up from her. It’s attached to the church I attend and serve. Every Thursday morning, a group of people meet to fill backpacks for school kids in need of consistent nutrition. The backpacks are delivered to area schools, and kids take them home on Fridays so they have food over the weekends.

I walked through the church, forgetting the backpack team would be getting started. I struck up a conversation with several of them. We laughed and shared, then they asked if I wanted to pray with them. It was time for them to get started and time for me to get to work. But I knew a moment of prayer would be worth the delay.

It was a sweet time of prayer.

The focus was on others – a great start to any day.

Take a moment right now to consider and pray for others.

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